sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009

helmut newton: "fired"

sólo la fundación helmut newton puede hacer una exposición tan chula. los trabajos que al gran helmut le costaron un despido en vogue francia. me encanta!
...estoy segura de que esta pequeña venganza estaba planeada hace bastantes años porque editores con mal gusto es algo bastante común de encontrar en los medios editoriales. los editores van y vienen pero el arte permanece. y acaba en museos.
p.s. mucho curro en Haus der Kunst y muy contenta por poder trabajar con uno de los mejores curadores de fotografía de Europa, entre parte del equipo, encantadores todos los que he conocido hasta el momento. La cámara se quedó hoy sin pilas. Ya tengo laboratorio, en cuanto tenga material, os muestro. Bessosss. Abajo unas notitas de Fired!
Helmut Newton: Fired
After the great success of the exhibition "A gun for hire" at the Helmut Newton Foundation in 2005 with Newton's fashion photos from the last 20 years the current show "Helmut Newton: Fired" focuses on his editorial work for fashion magazines of the 1960s and 1970s like Elle, Queen, Nova or Marie Claire.
"Fired from French Vogue: In 1964 I was commissioned by Queen magazine to photograph the revolutionary collection by Courrèges. The fashion editor, Claire Rendlesham, decided on a journalistic scoop showing only my Courrèges photos and excluding all other fashion houses from her Paris report. When Queen landed on the desk of Françoise de Langlade (then associate editor-in-chief of French Vogue) she hit the roof. I was called into her office, we had a tremendous row, she accused me of treachery and disloyalty and wanted to know why I had not told her about this scoop. I pointed out to her that I had no exclusive contract with Vogue, and it was of course understood that I would never divulge any ideas developed by French Vogue to Queen or vice versa. So I was kicked out of the hallowed halls of Vogue only to return in 1969 when Francine Crescent was appointed editor-in-chief. During Francine's regime, I did what I considered my best fashion work. I was to be a regular contributor until 1983." — Helmut Newton, from: Pages from the Glossies, Zurich: Scalo, 1998

"The news of Helmut's banishment from French Vogue soon reached Claude Brouet, the editor-in-chief of "ELLE" magazine, who offered him work on the magazine. Helmut continued working for English and German magazines. He was able to adapt his style to the policy of the many magazines he worked for." — June Newton, Monte Carlo 2008

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