martes, 10 de enero de 2012

be water my friend. birthday abroad. kuala lumpur.

with doctor june, the day of my birthday a great conversation took spontaneusly place. today is my birthday doctor june, oh, congratulations. happy birthday. nice that you are here for your birthday. yes i love being in asia. everything is so diferent and at the same time your logic has a huge bit of peace that fails completely in our western perspective.
well, you know, i just read this great article on the newspaper yesterday which unfortunately i cant make you read since is in mandarin, but it talks about how life should be seen. we should behave like water, with that consistence. water sometimes can be very brave, like a waterfall, like a rapid and water can also be very peaceful, like a lake, or like a flat ocean with no wind. therefore the consistency of our life should resemble to water, sometimes acting very bravely, sometimes on a calmed way. at the same time, the article mentioned something also important:
on the taking of decisions, we should behave like a mountain. once the decision is taken, we should be as strong and powerful as a mountain in terms of following it.
kuala lumpur was full of water.
on the top of skycrapers, at the pool at my hotel.
but also in my head,
within a second, in my room, a great calmed lake took shape in front of my eyes.
- similar to that placid lake i try to concentrate on while doing my daily meditation exercises-.
was beautiful to see it and capture it with my old beloved camera.
be like water, as doctor june said.
those words entitle centuries of wisdom.
is all about how we see things. this time i can share it.
it certanly was a beautiful b-day present from life.

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